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Extending Pages

You can add and change the behaviour of existing Filament pages. This might be useful if you wish to add a button for additional custom functionality.

To extend a page you need to create and register an extension.

For example, the code below will register a custom extension called MyEditExtension for the EditProduct Filament page.

LunarPanel::registerExtension(new MyEditExtension, EditProduct::class);

Writing Extensions

There are three extension types Lunar provides, these are for Create, Edit and Listing pages.

You will want to place the extension class in your application. A sensible location might be App\Lunar\MyCreateExtension.

Once created you will need to register the extension, typically in your app service provider.


An example of extending a create page.

use Filament\Actions;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use Filament\Forms\Form;
use Lunar\Admin\Support\Extending\CreatePageExtension;

class MyCreateExtension extends CreatePageExtension
    public function headerActions(array $actions): array
        $actions = [

        return $actions;

    public function formActions(array $actions): array
        $actions = [
            Actions\Action::make('Create and Edit'),

        return $actions;

    public function beforeCreate(array $data): array
        $data['model_code'] .= 'ABC';
        return $data;

    public function beforeCreation(array $data): array
        return $data;

    public function afterCreation(Model $record, array $data): Model
        return $record;

// Typically placed in your AppServiceProvider file...
LunarPanel::registerExtension(new MyCreateExtension, CreateProduct::class);


An example of extending an edit page.

use Filament\Actions;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use Filament\Forms\Form;
use Lunar\Admin\Support\Extending\EditPageExtension;

class MyEditExtension extends EditPageExtension
    public function headerActions(array $actions): array
        $actions = [
                Actions\Action::make('View on Storefront'),
                Actions\Action::make('Copy Link'),

        return $actions;

    public function formActions(array $actions): array
        $actions = [
            Actions\Action::make('Update and Edit'),

        return $actions;

    public function beforeFill(array $data): array
        $data['model_code'] .= 'ABC';

        return $data;

    public function beforeSave(array $data): array
        return $data;

    public function beforeUpdate(array $data, Model $record): array
        return $data;

    public function afterUpdate(Model $record, array $data): Model
        return $record;
    public function relationManagers(array $managers): array
        return $managers;

// Typically placed in your AppServiceProvider file...
LunarPanel::registerExtension(new MyEditExtension, EditProduct::class);


An example of extending a list page.

use Filament\Actions;
use Filament\Tables\Columns\TextColumn;
use Filament\Tables\Table;
use Lunar\Admin\Support\Extending\ListPageExtension;

class MyListExtension extends ListPageExtension
    public function headerActions(array $actions): array
        $actions = [
                Actions\Action::make('View on Storefront'),
                Actions\Action::make('Copy Link'),

        return $actions;

// Typically placed in your AppServiceProvider file...
LunarPanel::registerExtension(new MyListExtension, ListProducts::class);

Extending Pages In Addons

If you are building an addon for Lunar, you may need to take a slightly different approach when modifying forms, etc.

For example, you cannot assume the contents of a form, so you may need to take an approach such as this...

    public function extendForm(Form $form): Form
            ...$form->getComponents(true),  // Gets the currently registered components
        return $form;